Correction: Its a journal huhu🙂↔️ Every relationship has its ups and down but he never cease to try to make me happy and make sure that we have a peaceful relationship. We had our roughs but we kept on learning to be better for each other. And that is all that matters. I did not ask for any of these but boy was I so so happy🥹💖 thank you, love. @Ammeer_Jalil
In a world where orang hanya nak fikir untung, banyak competition dsb sometimes neglecting what’s right. Orang jujur mcm mereka ni kekal tabah and percaya rezeki Tuhan come rain or shine. Some of them mungkin belum pandai marketing soc med. Hati I kagum. I tak kesian, sbb I tahu diorang suka bekerja. Cuma I doakan suatu hari kejujuran dorang terbalas. Kbye. Kitonyo #thoughtdaughter 🫢
Pov: with all that is happening in the world you took an opportunity to observe and learn how other parents raise their children so that your son will not end up being toxic to society 🤍 and become emotionally intelligent
Pov of someone who hasn’t read the book hehe and innately a people pleaser, empath and everything in “the list” (read: easily manipulated) #itendswithus
You guys kene tengok! Dah makin lama makin cute pula si Prof Rafel ni betul2 macam oppa oppa ya AND mystery pun makin scary ya! Ada pula application macam tu! Serems. Watch #rahsiamuselamatdenganku #Astroria, Isnin-Selasa, 11 pm or whenever at Sooka & Astro Go! #kdrama #dramamelayu #romcom #romantik #mystery