La vie en rose (Cover Edith Piaf)
Top 50 des vidéos chaudes(La vie en rose (Cover Edith Piaf) )
Day 229 - making the world’s hardest omelette with a spatula #omurice #spatula #cooking
#gtaballoonartist #torontoballoon #balloontutorial #stuffedballoons #boboballoon #birthdayballoon #flowerballoons #christmasballoon #balloongift #christmas #balloonacademy
I LOVE YOU GUYS 🩷 thanks for following along these last few years. I am going to seriously miss this community 😭 I’ll be on the other a p p if you would like to still follow along! @chacekitchen #dinner #DinnerIdeas #Recipe #cozymeals #comfortfood #cooking #dinnerinspo #chickenpotpie
POV: Es ist bald Weihnachten, aber manche Menschen können Dubai Schokolade nicht gehen lassen 🫣 #NaraSmith #DubaiSchokolade
Don’t take it seriously 😅 #fyp #foryoupage #fypシ #viral #tradwife #travel #north #Lifestyle #morningroutine #yakutia #sakha #indigenous #arctic #winter #Vlog #expectation #funnyvideo #comedy #sisters #video
Custom Flower Balloon . #gtaballoonartist #torontoballoon #balloontutorial #customballoons #boboballoon #stuffedballoons #birthdayballoon #flowerballoons
sejak aku dan ken nikah, setiap hari jadi penuh dengan kejutan sekarang! Seperti malam ini, hal sesimpel aku minta tolong ken refill tumbler Murmioo aku, ternyata dia udah siapin surprise bunga mawar dan kalung untuk aku yang bisa matching sama tumbler aku yang cantik dan elegan! Kasih kejutan untuk diri kamu dan orang2 tersayang kalian dengan Murmioo! 🩷 #murmiooo #murmioobottle
your sign to use your @KitchenAid to its fullest potential <3 #kitchenaid #KitchenHacks #kitchenaidmixer #kitchenaidattachment #recipes #cooking #kitchen
My go-to fudgy brownie recipe🍫🤤 #brownies #fudgybrownies #baking #bake #dessert #bakersoftiktok #desserts #brownierecipe
Replying to @Jamie Herns These are the perfect hamburger buns and only take 1 hour to make!! Ingredients: 1 cup warm water 2 tbsp instant yeast 1/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup olive oil 1 egg (room temp) 1 tsp salt 3 cups bread flour (can use AP flour) Bake at 425 F for 8 minutes (can do an egg wash on buns before baking but I don’t think it’s necessary) #hamburger #buns #homemade #bread #recipes #breadmaking #breadrecipe #dinner
Sandwich bread with SIX ingredients 😍 #homemade #Homestead #homemadefood #homemadebread #homesteading #storebought #selfsufficient #shelfstable #homemaderolls #kitchenaid
Día 1 haciendo masa madre desde cero… Hay muchas maneras de hacerlo, esta es la que mejor men funciona a mi… Necesitamos: -Harina de trigo, puede ser integral, o blanca, de centeno, harina orgánica, eso lo dejo a tu criterio (yo usé harina San Blas, muy común aquí dónde vivo para mostrarte que no es imposible) -Agua apta para beber -1 cuchara -1 frasco pequeño, de vidrio o de plástico, el mío es de 200ml Día 1 Vamos a mezclar 1 cucharada de agua con agua a ojo hasta lograr una textura de puré o papilla (si te pasas de agua le puedes poner más harina) lo importante lograr esa textura. Tapamos bien el frasco con una tapa que no permita la entrada de aire, y dejamos reposar en un lugar fresco por 24hrs. Importante: las levaduras y los lactobacilos que conformarán tu masa madre se desarrollan correctamente en una temperatura de 20 a 25grados Centígrados, así que si en donde vives hace más o menos temperatura trata de buscar la manera de lograr esa temperatura. #pandemasamadre #sourdoughbread #sourdough #masamadre
** 5 TIPS PARA MANTENER TU COCINA LIMPIA PARTE 4** - Etiqueta a un amigo/a o a tu pareja que necesite estos tips- ————————— 1. Canecas con mal olor: Desinfecta primero la caneca y después agregas a un algodón la escencia que más te guste, llevas el algodón a la base de la caneca y finalizas poniendo la bolsa encima. 2. Un piso brillante y que huela delicioso: Le agregas agua caliente al trapeador, 1/2 taza de desinfectante, 1/4 de taza de vinagre, 1 cda de bicarbonato, escurres y trapeas. 3. Puerta del horno transparente: Mezcla 1/4 de taza de vinagre, 1/2 taza de bicarbonato, 4 cdas de jabón de cocina, mezclas, agregas a la puerta del horno, refriegas con esponja, pasas toalla de cocina húmeda y luego secas. 4. Limpia los gabinetes de madera: Mezcla 1 taza de agua, 1/4 de taza de vinagre, 3 cdas de desinfectante, 1 cda de jabón de cocina, mezclas, aplicas sobre la superficie pasas toalla húmeda, secas y listo! 5. Electrodomésticos brillantes: Agua y vinagre en partes iguales, un chorrito de jabón de cocina, pasas toalla húmeda, secas y finalizas brillando con una gótica de aceite de oliva. + Escríbeme cual fue tu tip favorito. Y listooo!!! —————————————————————— Si te gusto dale like, guarda y comparte. -————————————— #tipsdecocina #torta #avena #hacks #recetafacil #chocolate #saludable #recetassaludables #instafood #recetasfaciles #recetarapida #dulzura #ricoysano #Foodie #colombia #comidasana #alimentacionsaludable #desayunosaludable #recetascaseras #postre #postres #postressaludables
getting my gel x nails to look like acrylics 💕 @NailzKatKat #gelxnails #rubberbase #gelxtutorial #gelxnails #diynails #beginnernailtech #nailzkatkat
Cheesy Roasted Garlic Savory “cinnamon” rolls Full recipe✨😋 Cinnamon roll recipe👇🏾 @Ebony 💗 | Black Single SAHM | VirAl cheesy roasted garlic “ cinnamon” rolls preview 👇🏾 @Ebony 💗 | Black Single SAHM | #garlicbread #cheese #savory #cinnamonroll #comfortfood #bread
day 10/30 in my 30 days of healthy meal series is DELICIOUS high protein chicken quesadillas with homemade cilantro sauce!! LMK how you like it once you try :) Recipe is below: - season raw chicken breast with cajun, paprika, and garlic salt and drizzle of olive oil and make sure seasonings are evenly coated - airfry for 15-20 minutes and flip halfway through (or put in oven) - once done, shred the chicken using a fork and a knife - add 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 3 TBSP buffalo sauce, and 2 TBSP hot sauce to bowl and mix together - place pan on medium heat and add low carb tortilla, chicken, and 1/4 cup of lite mozzarella - cook for around 4 minutes each side and flip halfway through - cut and enjoy! Cilantro sauce: - add 4 TBSP non fat greek yogurt - 1/2 minced garlic clove - the juice of 1 lime - handful of cilantro (close to 1 cup) - salt and pepper to taste - 1 tsp of honey - blend and serve on the side! #highproteinmeals #highproteinrecipes #highproteinchickenquesadillas #chickenquesadilla #30daysofhealthymeals #healthymealseries #healthymealideas #DinnerIdeas #highproteindiet
✨Cebo de Res que te queras comer ✨ beef tallow ✨ #fyp #paratii #beeftallow #skincare #ceboderes #vainilla
Reset with me✨🫧🎄 My mother-in-law is coming to visit this week, so I am making sure everything is sparkly clean for her🫶🏼 deep clean, organization cleaning #sundayreset #cleanwithme #deepclean #motherinlaw #guest #reset #resetwithme #cleaningmotivation #cleaningtiktok #cleaninghacks #motivation #millennialmom #momroutine #realisticmomlife #realisticcleaning
simple, easy, yet effective ;) #chickencaesarwrap #salad #healthandwellness #cleaneating #healthylifestyle #fyp #foryou #trending #viral
Kräuterfrischkäse selber machen 🧀 🌿 | Zutaten: 2L Milch Saft von 2 Zitronen 20g Butter Prise Salz Kräuter nach Wahl Die Milch müsst ihr mit dem Zitronensaft erhitzen. Am besten nur so heiß, dass es Dampft, aber nicht kocht. Ihr könnt dafür auch H- Milch verwenden, da es kein richtiger Käse ist. #food #kochen #cheese #DIY
Upgrade vibes rumahmu dengan refill amenities favorit dan stok Evian water selalu ready! ✨ Hidup mewah dimulai dari detail kecil. 💧@evian #EvianWater #EverydayLuxury #LiveYoung
This amazing home is located in a fantastic area not only are you close to Fukuoka tower but also Momochi Beach. This home will run you the monthly rent of 25.5万円. It has 3 levels plus a ground floor and rooftop access. It is absolutely gorgeous, what do you think of this home? Would you live here? #j#japanj#japanesej#japanlifel#livinginjapanm#movingtojapanj#jvlogj#japanvlogl#lifeinjapanh#hakataf#fukuokaf#fypt#trendingv#viralj#japaneseapartmentj#japanesehomea#akiya
Couple Challenge! Do you think the same? ☺️🧡#dailyquizzes #couplequestionschallenge #datenightideas #bfgfquiz #couplequiz #howwelldoyouknowyourpartner #couplequestions #partnerquiz #tiktokgames #intuitiontest #thinkalike #creatorsearchinsights
@Carol Valhate 💙 Esse pedido foi LEGEN... Espera um pouquinho... DÁRIO, LEGENDÁRIO!! Eu acredito muito que amar não significa apenas sobre o que você sente pela pessoa, mas também sobre como aquela pessoa faz você se sentir. Quando você ama alguém, você não mede esforços para ver a pessoa feliz, e eu tive a ideia maluca de pedir em namoro a mulher da minha vida totalmente característico da série favorita dela e no ambiente que ela mais se sente bem e feliz, na praia 🏝️ Durante toda a semana choveu sem parar mas justamente no dia que eu precisei que tudo desse certo, parece que o universo ajudou a tornar tudo perfeito. Eu dormi e acordei por meses pensando em fazer tudo da forma mais perfeita possível para justamente ver o sorriso no rosto da mulher que eu amo, e Deus abençoou esse pedido fazendo sair tudo como planejado... "Amar é poder ter a liberdade de voar acompanhado" 💙 O número 14 sempre foi meu número da sorte, e agora é a data do relacionamento que quero manter para o resto da minha vida Eu te amo minha baixinha super forte - 14/12/24 💍 Ps: Eu fiquei o puro suco do estilo com uma gravata de patinhos 🐥😎
I can’t believe I have a cat that now demands to wear a tie 😂 #cats #catsoftiktok #lol #comedy #foryou #foryoupage
Trying the delicious fruits pastries from Cedric Grolet Le Meurice. Which one would you like to try the most? 🤔 #fyp #tiktoktravel
———————————————- * +ENSALADA DE UVAS : - -1/2 lechuga crespa picada, 1 mango maduro, 1 taza de uvas partidas por la mitad, 1/2 taza de uvas pasas, 100 gr de crema de leche y 1 taza de queso campesino partido en cubos. * +ENSALADA DE PASTA Y TOCINETA -2 manzanas verdes paetidas en cubos, un tallo de apio picado, 1/2 taza de maíz dulce, 1 taza de tocineta picada, 3 salchichas picadas y asadas, 100 gr de pasta corta Oriental macarrón cocinada por 10 min, frutos secos al gusto, 1/2 taza de queso mozzarella, cilantro, chorrito de Limón, 1 taza de mayonesa. * +ENSALADA DE REPOLLO Y PIÑA - 2 tazas de repollo morado picado, 1/2 taza de uvas pasas, 1/2 taza de queso mozzarella, 1 manzana verde picada en cubos, 1 taza de crema de leche y 1 taza de Piña picada. *^***
#snack #atun #almuerzo #dip #cena
#lunch #food #comida #videoreceta #mermelada #recetafacil #salsa #papa #ensalada #queso #tocineta #instafood #recetarecetasfacilessfaciles #Receta #foodporn #recetarapida #comida
#colombia #recetascaseras #cookingtips
have you had omakase in nyc yet? 📍Tsumo #nycomakase #japanesefood #sushi #nyceats
Projet 2 passions : les parfums et la madeleine 🥧🧁🧈 #perfum #parfumdegrasse #parfum #parfumviral #parfumtiktok #parfumerie
Replying to @MicaBeauty tips!!⭐️🧖🏽♀️ Parte 3. #beautytips #beautysecrets #secretosdebelleza
Spinach Stuffed Shells ❤️🔥 Keep it vegetarian, or add some cooked sausage to the filling! Here’s how to make it: 1 box jumbo pasta shells 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp olive oil (for sautéing and drizzling) 1 small onion, finely chopped Salt and pepper, to taste 3-4 cloves garlic, minced 6-8 cloves garlic, sliced 8 oz fresh spinach (or 1 package frozen spinach, thawed and drained), chopped Zest and juice from 1/2 lemon 28 oz whole San Marzano tomatoes, crushed by hand 1 tsp Calabrian chili paste 6-8 basil leaves (for sautéing) 15 oz ricotta cheese 10 oz (2.5 cups) mozzarella cheese, freshly shredded (for the filling) 4 oz freshly grated Parmesan cheese (for the filling) 1 large egg 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped (for the filling) 6 basil leaves, chiffonade (for the filling) Pinch of nutmeg 1 tsp red pepper flakes (optional) 1. Heat a touch of olive oil over medium heat and sauté the onion with a pinch of salt and pepper for 3-4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another 30 seconds. 2. Stir in the chopped spinach and season with salt, pepper, and the juice from half a lemon. Let it wilt for a couple of minutes, then remove from the pan. Squeeze out any excess water from the spinach and set it aside. 3. In the same pan, wipe it clean and heat about 1/4 cup of olive oil over medium/low heat. 4. Add the sliced garlic cloves (6-8) and a handful of fresh basil leaves, followed by 1 tsp of Calabrian chili paste. Stir and let it sizzle gently for a couple of minutes, being careful not to let the garlic burn. 5. Pour in the tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Stir, reduce heat to low, and simmer (cover with a lid if needed). 6. Cook the pasta shells to al dente. Drain them and set aside, drizzling with a little olive oil to prevent sticking if needed. 7. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 8. In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, 6 oz (1.5 cups) mozzarella, 1 cup Parmesan, cooked spinach, salt, pepper, parsley, chiffonade basil, zest from 1/2 lemon, nutmeg, red pepper flakes, and egg. Mix everything together until well combined. 9. In a baking dish, spread a thin layer of the tomato sauce on the bottom. 10. Stuff each pasta shell with 2-3 tablespoons of the ricotta filling and arrange them in the dish. If there’s any leftover filling, dollop it into the dish. 11. Spread the remaining tomato sauce directly over the shells, then cover with the remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. 12. Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350°F for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and finish under the broiler until golden and bubbly. 13. Garnish with fresh parsley or basil before serving and enjoy! #heresyourbite #stuffedshells #pasta #ricotta #dinner #DinnerIdeas #easydinner #EasyRecipe #vegetarian #vegetarianrecipe #FoodTok #cooking #comfortfood #winterfood #winterrecipes
para las que lo tienen, tips ? 🤍 #dysonairwrap #dysonairwrapcurls #dysonreview #dysononcurlyhair #dysonblowout #hairroutine #blowoutroutine #howtousedysonairwrap #rutinadecabello #fyp #foryou
My boyfriend didnt want to sleep in the same bed as me🙃 #sockcurls #heatlesscurls #overnightcurls #firstattempt
Especially during the holidays I love cooking with my kids! These Spinach & Ricotta Ravioli are absolutely delicious. Don't forget to watch The Pasta Queen TV Show on prime for lots of other Christmas recipe idea 🎄
Camembert au four 👌 #camembert #camembertaufour #Receta #FoodTok #recept #recettesimple #crostini #сыр #сыркамамбер #камамбер #рецепт #baguette #cheese #camembertcheese #tik_tok
Enseñando a mi hijo a cocinar 👌🏼quedó delicioso 😋
Tudo que ganhei no meu aniversário de 17 anos, sendo celíaca - Parte 2🩷 Mesmo sendo celíaca, isso não me impede de celebrar com muito amor e presentes incríveis! 🥳❤️ Vamos ver o que recebi?! Teve um que contém glúten, mas não tem problema, afinal repasso para quem pode e está tudo certo 🥰🙏🏻 Já aconteceu isso com você também? Obrigada pelo carinho ☺️ Amei os presentes, em breve posto parte 3 #semgluten #celiaca #aniversario #presente #presentes #glutenfree
WHAT I EAT IN A DAY 🍳🍞✨🥤🍕🫐 I love good leftovers!!! #whatieatinaday #realisticwieiad #Foodie #eating #whatiatetoday #balancedeating #healthyliving #8020rule #whatieatinadayrealistic #mealideas #balancedmeals #foodtiktok
A Ty probowalas kiedys taka czekolade? #dubai #chocolate #trend
what my work in korea fed me for lunch today episode 65🇰🇷 . #bibimbap #kimchi #bulgogi #tteokbokki #koreanlunchbox #coupang eats #koreanfastfood #koreandeliveryfood #koreanconveniencestoredrinks #koreanconveniencestore #livingaloneinkorea #koreanfood #livinginseoul #neikks #koreantiktok #koreanmukbang #foodinseoul #lifeinseoul #koreanfoodie #foodieinkorea #asmr #koreanfoodasmr #koreanconveniencestore
haircut tips & inspo #haircut #Vlog #hair #softlayers #layeredhaircut