Recipe by @Caterina - Easy & Fast Recipes 🥰 my daughter requests this when she’s sick and doesn’t even know there’s veggies 🤫 #italianpenicillinsoup #chickensoup #sick #flu #soup
I HOPE THIS ISNT A MISTAKE. Raspberry cheesecake loaf don’t let me down! Pt1. #sourdough #bread #sourdoughstarter #sourdoughinclusions #raspberrycheesecake
Influenza A house reset 😵💫 this flu is NO JOKE 😭 #cleanhouse #messyhouse #sickness #sickhouse #cleanhome #housecleaning #cleaning #cleanwithme #housereset
Strawberry cheese cake swirl loaf pt1! Please go follow my insta and YouTube before I lose all 52k of you! #strawberrycheesecake #sourdough #sourdoughloaf
Part 1 : Monday Prep for our sourdough goodies for the week! We didn’t need regular bread so I’m doing some fun loaves! English muffin recipe from @Well Made by Kiley Bagel recipe from @Jesha Sourdough loaves by meeeeee #sourdough #bread #sourdoughstarter #mondayroutine #homemade #homegoods
Easy sourdough recipe and routine for everyone asking before the app goes dark! 100g active starter 350g warm water 500g bread flour 10g salt Combine the active starter and warm water together until it’s milky then add the bread flour and the salt. mix with your hands until you get a shaggy dough. cover and let it sit for one hour on the counter. After one hour, start the stretch and folds. act like there’s four sides to the dough. left one side up, stretch it and slap it to the opposite side. repeat on all four side sides. Cover and let it sit for 30 minutes and do another round of stretch and folds. Repeat the 30 minute process three times for total of four stretch and folds. After the last stretch and fold, you’re gonna cover it again and set it on the counter for 6 to 10 hours until the dough has doubled in size. Flip the dough onto a lightly flowered surface. carefully stretch it out until you have a sheet of dough. Trifold it by folding one side to the center, and then the other side to the center slightly over the first side. Then start rolling it away from you. Now create tension in the dough by pushing it away from you then pulling it towards you, creating tension on the counter and tucking underneath the dough and continue just a few times. Flip the dough into a floured Benetton or you can use a colander with a tea towel in it. Flour the top, cover and let it sit on the counter for one hour and then stick it in the fridge overnight or up to three days. The longer you let it sit in the fridge for cold fermentation, the more sour it will be. When you’re ready to bake, preheat your Dutch oven in the oven at 450° for 30 minutes. Turn your dough onto parchment paper or a silicone bread sling. Flour at the top and score it however you want. Place inside Dutch oven and add ice to the sides. Put the lid on and bake for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes take the lid off and bake for another 15 minutes. Let it cool on a cooling rack for at least one hour before cutting into it. Enjoy!
Prepping homemade uncrustables with sourdough sandwich bread. Sandwhich cutters in profile. I’ll use the scraps for a French toast bake! Stay tuned. #sourdough #homemade #homemadeuncrustables #sandwhiches #pbj #asmrsounds #asmr #prep #mealprep #snackprep #kidssnacks #afterschoolsnacks
Lemon blueberry cheesecake sourdough loaf pt.1 I’m soooo pumped about this! Recipe will be in part 2. #sourdough #sourdoughloaf #sourdoughstarter #sourdoughinclusions #blueberrylemon #blueberrylemoncheesecake #cheesecakesourdough