When we have to make a decision to protect our heart it can sometimes feel like we’re making a decision that is breaking our heart. Sometimes to choose peace means to stop forcing, to stop the double down and to choose grief. And we have to do this with little us in mind. We have to ask ourselves if this thing that we must decide will help foster the relationship with the big us and the little us. And if it will… then we gotta do it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
People that aren’t ready to take accountability and be honest with themselves, will most likely choose to misunderstand you. Sadly, usually it’s from a subconscious place within themselves. They can’t hear truth yet. So stop wasting your breath and just live in a way that maybe they can hear. I believe that one day, those people might just learn to listen.
for the boys. I know how it is. But it’s time we learned to engage with our pain rather than react out of anger or react out of fear. We have the ability to hold space for our own emotions and to feel, because when we do this we are able to hold space and make those around us feel seen and safe. Let’s be safe havens.
It’s time for us to make peace with what didn’t happen… because what will happen is waiting for us to stop wallowing over what didn’t happen. And what will happen will be amazing.
Maybe we had to lose them because we were about to lose ourselves. Whether it’s a person, job, relationship, thing, etc. sometimes we lose what we thought we wouldn’t. And it makes no sense at first. But I think if we can try and look at it from a different point of view, maybe we can just realize that everyone experiences loss. Not everything that we have in our lives will always be for us. And sometime seasons change. Losing what isn’t for us anymore just means that we get to start finding what is.
true love is gonna find you. but before it does… some of us have to experience the ones that are not for us and that s*** sucks😂 Sometimes we give the wrong people the right parts of ourselves. And that is okay. Let’s learn from it.
I think we can find hard and confusing and upsetting when we can't stop missing or loving someone or something that we had to move on from. I think one of the things we all do is we think of ourselves as weak. That's not true though. It's a process to take back the love that you've given, especially when you mean it. On top of that, life is teaching you a lesson. One that, if we listen and if we sit in the pain (and don't try and fill it with the next best thing) it will teach us how to protect our hearts. It will show us boundaries. It will actually help us develop a self love, so that we understand our value and worth more than we did before. So just know, the love that you give is never wasted.
Don't wait for the everything to be okay, for you to choose to be okay. You can't wait for things to be perfect for you to start living life to the fullest.
Thick Skin / Soft Heart. It’s rare to come across a person that has such a true inner confidence / a peace / & self trust that what Is going on externally cannot tamper with their worth and value. Which in return, creates a very self assured and very loving, down to earth person. We have a lot of the opposite of what I just explained. And that’s okay bc hearts can become soft again and skin can become calloused again
Fears goal is to block the parts off within you that will heal you. It's a paradox I'm still trying to wrap my brain around. The untouchable and darkest parts within us are the places in which true clarity is found. So, I'm not numbing or running from it anymore. It's time to journey within. Mr. Fear can't tell me what's off limits within me. There are no limits to me (or you)
If it can’t weather the storm with you, then it’s not for you. The winds and rains of life sometimes hit us at the times we least expect it. We’ve learned to dread these storms and for good reasons. I mean, they are storms aren’t they? They leave us wrecked mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, professionally... But what if the storm wasn’t bad. What if the storm was for a reason? I think if we can have a new outlook on the storms and why they are here we can begin to understand why they are even here. New Ep from Mr Sappy
Not getting what you thought you wanted might be the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I know that I’m choosing to believe that because if I don’t, then I’ll just be confused and pissed off 😂 you know what I mean though? It’s like when you soooo thought it was for you and it wasn’t and just something was off and you just are sitting there like… wtf. It has to be protection and it has to be for our highest good. IT HAS TO! I believe in us.
Be who you need. If you give yourself the permission and stop looking for it externally and maybe even grieve the fact no one is going to fill that void, you will give yourself the opportunity to be that person. Everything you need is within.
You’ve been through a lot this year. And it wasn’t for no reason and it wasn’t wasted. So don’t believe that lie. The trials and the betrayals and the unmet expectations, and the wounds are what make you stronger. And I believe God made you stronger this year. So, now it’s time to come to the realization of how strong you are. How many lessons that you have learned. And rather than continue to sit in the pain (you can always process it but there’s a time to stop sitting in it) you can create something beautiful from it. You now have the ability to carry the purpose within you at a new level and a new weight. So look back on this year and smile.
This is my 444th post. I started posting May of 2023 and even before that, through my ups and my downs the number “444” always showed up when I was doubting myself (which was and still is a lot of the time 😂) I’m here to tell you and remind myself that we’re on the right path, even when it doesn’t feel like it. We are right where we need to be. We are protected, because we have hearts of gold and pure intentions. Follow the signs. ♥️
If life feels dark and confusing. If you feel lost and like you aren’t where you need to be. Like you’re not living in your purpose and there is an imminent emptiness that floats within you… don’t fret. It’s so easy for us to buy into the mindset that we’ve missed it.. the train has left the station. We think we are truly screwed. I’ve felt that way and I know the feeling too well. I’m here to give you some encouragement as a friend. The dark and confusing times of my life, as I look back have been some of the roughest but more importantly have been the most defining. They have been times where I’ve been taken to my breaking point and I have broken. It’s not fun, but it’s worth it. I want to let you know that although this season of life may suck, you are right where you need to be. The bigger picture and plan for you is still in motion (more now than ever). These times are actually preparing you for what you are on this earth to do. Don’t wish away the dark when it’s trying to teach you the light. One day you’ll look back and say, “My dark ages brought me light.”
The only thing that’s keeping you from living the life of your dreams is a lie that was spewed on you by a person, place or thing that programmed you to believe it as the truth. Sadly they were programmed the same way and didn’t know any better. But inadequacy is sticky. It makes us feel out of touch with our dreams and who really are. So… we have to begin to question the source of our beliefs and realize it’s BS.
Don't despise the way that your prayers and wishes are being answered. With purpose and dreams, comes new weight. It also comes with a new outlook. To experience this new perception you are going to have to experience the duality of life. The light and the dark. You'll wonder... why is this happening to me? I'm lonely. I'm stuck. I'm waiting. I'm hurt. But when it clicks, you'll realize it was all for a reason. I also want to comment on the fact that some people have reached out and told me,"this is all for no reason. this life is hopeless." I can understand their pain, but what I can't accept is their outlook. What they don't know is that through the fire, they are being refined. So I ask you... would you rather accept & learn from the answers to your prayers (so that you can grow)... or would you rather disregard, feel sorry for yourself, and stay where you're at. You tell me. I want you to choose hope and I want you to know how important you are. And the darkness' main job is to teach you to love and trust yourself. So start letting the darkness do its job. I'm proud of you. Don't despise it, accept it. @The Kaizen Journal
“No one tells you how hard it is to rewire your brain to allow amazing things to happen after experiencing trauma or pain. Blessings exist, good people exist, and a softer life exists. Let it happen.”