The game is quite similar but different. Can you spot the 2 main differences in the way it is played? #gonggi #squidgame #squidgames2 #5stones #singapore #childhoodmemories #childhood #childhoodgames
Another fun game for big groups #fungames #justforfun #familygames #familychallenge #challenge #game #partygames #partygame #gameideas #FamilyFun #family @Alex Lim @chaela:) @Zachary Lim @MitzTiang family channel
New clothes represent a fresh start and a departure from the past year’s troubles or misfortunes #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #chinese #chinesecustom #customs #chineseculture #family #quiz #justforfun @Zachary Lim @MitzTiang family channel
Which player is your money on? #squidgames #squidgame #squidgames2 #justforfun #squidgamefilter #tiktokfilter #filter @Linda Yu Qian @Zachary Lim @Devon Bristow🐰
Found at @baby enRoute - Who do you think should get to keep Miffy? #miffy #family #3kids #justforfun @Zachary Lim @chaela:) @MitzTiang family channel #gifted
Are the Asian relatives here? #reaction #justforlaughs #motherdaughter #singlish #singapore #singaporetiktok #FamilyFun #familyprank #pranking @chaela:)
Replying to @Emily! Family challenge on a game similar to gonggi. In Singapore we call it 5 stones #gonggi #squidgame #squidgames2 #5stones #singapore #childhoodmemories #childhood #childhoodgames #familygames #familygame #games #familychallenge #challenge #fungame #justforfun @chaela:) @Zachary Lim @MitzTiang family channel
I thought he was playing along initially but when he started being genuinely concerned, I felt so bad #familyprank #family #prank #justforfun #justforlaughs #motherson #reaction #reactionvideo @MitzTiang family channel
I was today years old when I learned this. Did you know where Miffy comes from? #miffy #FamilyFun #guessinggame #guess #motherson #familygame #justforfun #justforlaughs @baby enRoute @MitzTiang family channel @Zachary Lim
Replying to @Visit Singapore It’s so hard to get a reaction out of him #reaction #singlish #justforlaughs #justforfun #motherson #FamilyFun #familyprank @Mitz Tiang
Game 2 is a round of trivia to see who knows Miffy best. 1 last game left to determine the final winner @baby enRoute #FamilyFun #familygame #familychallenge #game #challenge #trivia #triviachallenge #3kids #miffy @chaela:) @Zachary Lim @MitzTiang family channel
Who are you most like? Someone who takes but feels bad. Someone who takes and blames someone else. Or someone who is too shy to take by yourself? #bigwayhotpot #itbelikethat #3kids #family #socialexperiment #justforfun #justforlaughs @chaela:) @Zachary Lim @Big Way Hot Pot大味 @MitzTiang family channel
The last part cracked us up. No pun intended #familygames #FamilyFun #justforfun #justforlaughs #family #dad #3kids @Alex Lim @chaela:) @Zachary Lim @MitzTiang family channel