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Chrissy Horton  Tendance des données (30 jours)

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Chrissy Horton
Throwback to telling my husband I was pregnant with our 5th baby in 6 years🫣❤️ The baby I am pregnant with in this video just turned two and I couldn’t help myself from going down memory lane 🥹❤️ To think I was scared and nervous when finding out about him (I mean we did have 4 kids 6 and under at the time, so a little understandable 😉) but oh my goodness has he changed all our lives for the better! So to the mama who may be nervous about having another or pregnant with her first, I was in the same boat and now I couldn’t imagine my life without them!🤗🥹❤️ #pregnancyannouncement #dadtobe #momtobe #bigfamily
Chrissy Horton
When I was pregnat I had no idea what to expect when delivering. I wish I had someone to walk me through how long labor could potentially be, the interventions that are used, and what my options were. So I decided to document and share my entire birthing experience from start to finish in hopes that it can be helpful to others! I begin recording as my first serious contractions took place. I had been experiencing Braxton Hicks for several weeks at this point, but on this day the contractions were different. They were more frequent and progressively getting stronger. Once I realized they were happening every 3 to 5 minutes, I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Given this was my 6th kid I knew things could go more quickly than ever before. They say you know it’s time to leave for the hospital when your contractions are happening at least every 5 minutes, last for one minute each, and have been happening consistently for 1 hour. It’s called the 5-1-1 rule. I birth big babies, I am talking over 10 lbs, and never once was a c-section mentioned to me just because of their size. I chose to get an epidural as soon as possible due to what happened at my last birth. With baby number 5 I tried to go unmedicated. Unfortunately I didn’t make it. I was close, but I knew I would lack the strength to push if I continued to suffer and fight the pain. I have actually enjoyed my epidural births! They allowed me to relax and be more present for the experience. Being able to relax is key too. Each time I tried to birth unmedicated labor wouldn’t progress. So for this time around I decided to not fight it and just get the epidural as soon as it was available. Please note, this is just my personal experience. Everyone is going to have a different birth story 🤗❤️ If you’re new here, hello, and thanks for reading this far! My name is Chrissy Horton and I am you big sis through pregnancy and motherhood where I like to keep it real yet encouraging! ❤️ #birthvlog #pregnancy #hospitalbirth #birthstory #epidural #naturalbirth
Chrissy Horton
If you give birth during a game, does that mean you get free tickets for life? 🤔 #40weekspregnant
Chrissy Horton
When you’re a millennial trying to edit your birth video #birthstory #theoffice
Chrissy Horton
It’s because your ✨uterus✨ hasn’t gone back down yet 😘 Growing up I had no idea about this and I thought your belly would deflate like a balloon as baby exited the body 😂. I never thought about the uterus needing time to go back down. Of course everyone is different but having a pregnant looking belly the weeks following birth is normal for most of us. So why isn’t it normalized in our society? Why do we feel the need to make it look like we didn’t just have a baby and hide any signs of postpartum? Why aren’t postpartum bellies normalized despite it being very much part of the normal process? It’s strange really. Like we are ashamed it’s not flat despite it being completely out of our control. Just some food for thought. I am now thinking of wearing my postpartum belly more proudly in the coming days ❤️❤️ #postpartumbody #postpartumrecovery #givingbirth #newbornbaby #postpartumjourney
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! Here is how our 6 kids (who are all in some form of a car seat) fit into our Suburban and the amenities I use to make the car more organized!! What does your car set up look like? Special shout out to @Flat Out Detailing for working a miracle and making my car look like it never had kids in it! 😂 #momcar #bigfamilylife #38weekspregnant #suburban White suburban mom 😂
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! Here is our Closing Shift system that helps us keep things semi organized with 5 kids ages 8 and under 🤪❤️❤️ 1) Immediately after dinner everyone must clear their plates from the table and put them near the sink 2) Part of the older ones responsibilities are rinsing the dishes and loading them in the dishwasher 3) One parent is in charge of baths and getting all the kids ready for bed. This includes pajamas on, making sure the kids cleaned up their rooms, and getting their teeth and hair brushed. While that parent tackles the night routine with the kids the other one tackles the house. 4) We always start by tidying the dining room and living room first since those are the main parts of the house. The mess usually isn’t as bad and is a quick clean up that makes us feel successful immediately. 5) For dishes we always start with the hand washing. Pots and pans etc. That way if we get interrupted or need to stop and come back the only dishes left are those that can easily go in the dishwasher. Once dishwasher is loaded we run it immediately 6) Identify your drop zone. I have realized there is a counter in our kitchen where we will put the most random things. It’s best to do this earlier in the closing shift since it requires the most thought as you try to figure out where each item goes. Whenever my drop off zone is clean I always feel so less overwhelmed! 7) Set up coffee maker for the morning and start a load of laundry 8) As a family we clean up the playroom together before going to bed By no means do we do this every single night. While that is the goal, some nights we are too tired, or the kids aren’t cooperating, or we have sports until 8pm, etc. But having a system like this in place helps us get back on track! Was this helpful? Let me know if you want me to share more of our systems! I would love to hear yours! What do you do to maintain the house with little ones? #37weekspregnant #sahmlife #cleaningroutine #bedtimeroutine #bigfamilylife #nightroutine
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! What’s crazy is out of our 6 kids the “runt” in our family was born at 8lbs 3oz 😂 The last four have been born over 10lbs with number 6 being the biggest! No it was not a c-section birth, no, I did not have gestational diabetes, and no my kids did not grow to be overweight. All our children are at a great weight and very tall. I just birth babies I guess! 🤪❤️😘 My husband was a big baby at birth and so was my dad so maybe genetics have something to do with it? 🤷‍♀️. Even when they are born they aren’t chunky because they are all so long. All of them have been 21 to 23 inches long! This baby was 23 inches long! And to anyone who thinks big babies or multiple babies “wreck your lady parts” (I can’t say the correct anatomically name or I get censored) that’s not how this works. Our “lady parts” were designed to do this. It all goes back. It was designed to stretch for birth and go back after. If it didn’t, I’m not sure the process of conceiving would be enjoyable enough for us to make 6 kids 😝 Now if intercourse does hurt or isn’t enjoyable due to pain down there please please PLEASE go see a pelvic floor physical therapist. “The female pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel, and extend from the pubic bone to the tailbone,” and baby is just chilling on those the whole 9 months! You are working those muscles throughout pregnancy and birth and they need to be evaluated after giving birth. It really should be standard postpartum care! Okay sorry, went on a little rant there 🙈 Anyway, how big was your biggest baby?? ❤️❤️❤️👶 #birthstory #newbornbaby #pregnancyjourney
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! Notice how much my morning routine has slowed down once I hit 40 weeks? I officially stopped homeschooling as well! I am beyond ready at this point! Little did I know it would be almost another week before baby girl made her arrival 🤪 Anyone else turn into a complete blob when they go past their due date? I probably should have been moving more than ever to get things going but man, being THAT pregnant in the summer is no joke! #40weekspregnant #sahmlife #morningroutine #bigfamilylife #pregnancy l
Chrissy Horton
How he did it without me knowing: My husband has meetings all the time for work so when he met with the designer (it was virtual) I had no idea. The designer came out to take measurements on a morning my husband knew the kids and I would be out of the house. The actual install only took 4 hours. Given it's summer and I am super pregnant I have been taking the kids to my parent's house everyday to swim. The guy came and installed it while we were over there swimming. 🙌❤️ In terms of design, everything is pre fabricated so you basically choose color and hardware. My husband sent the designer my Pinterest page and they went from there! The designer is the one who presented the options that would fit our space and my husband basically just said yes or no. She also came and looked at our closet and got an idea of the items we had. It's a basic design and Tim knew I preferred brass hardware over anything else. #40weekspregnant #newbornbaby #pregnant #duedate
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! What bedtime looks like in our house with 5 kids ages 8 and under ❤️ This all takes place after dinner, bath and clean up. 🤗 I have tried to start this whole routine l earlier but after being met with fight after fight, I have since learned to lean into what seems to be our natural bed time. ❤️ Bedtime is a special time in our house because it is when most of the heart to hearts happen. Each kid gets individual time with each parent and it just fills our heart ❤️🥹 What does bed time look like for you in your house? What is your time frame between the kids laying in their beds and actually falling asleep? #38weekspregnant #sahmlife #bedtimeroutine #bigfamilylife #nighttimeroutine
Chrissy Horton
For legal purposes…he’s a software engineer who owns his own company 😝 Howerver, when my husband was younger he did write to Tim Horton’s and said his name was the exact same and they sent him a bunch of merch! 😂 Growing up on the west coast non of us knew what Tim Horton’s was so when Tim and I got married anyone who went to New York would always text us a picture in front of a Tim Horton’s coffee shop asking us if we knew it existed? 😝
Chrissy Horton
Reminders I need when feeling overwhelmed as a mom of 6 ❤️ #3under3 #gentleparenting #parentingadvice #2under2 #postpartum #toddlermom
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024!! One of the best highlights of this year 🥹 Instead of a fancy dinner for Valentine’s Day we found out if our baby will be a boy or a girl! My 20 week full anatomy ultrasound just happened to be scheduled on Valentine’s Day! I can’t get over how this was the most memorable Valentines yet 🥹 #genderreveal #pregnancy #momtobe
Chrissy Horton
Timeline of my pregnancies and births ⬇️ Baby 1: 🤰Dec 2014🤱 Sep 2015 Baby 2:🤰July 2016🤱 March 2017 Baby 3:🤰Dec 2018🤱 Sep 2019 Baby 4:🤰Nov 2020🤱 August 2021 Baby 5:🤰Feb 2022 🤱 Nov 2022 Baby 6:🤰Oct 2023🤱 July 2024 Let’s see what happens in 2025 👀 #postpartum #pregnancy #bigfamily
Chrissy Horton
One of my favorite lounge sets in general but especially perfect for that "going home from the hospital outfit!" I ordered one size up so I could wear it pregnant as well! I love it so much I got it in cream too! It comes in a TON of different colors and is so easy to dress up a bit with the right jewelry! I love flowy sets like these that don't look frumpy but are still loose! What did you wear home from the hospital? I have also worn flowy dresses depending on the time of year! #hospitalbagessentials #givingbirth #postpartumstyle #loungeset
Chrissy Horton
Best of 2024! With over 6 million views and A LOT of opinions (which took me by complete surprise 😂🤪) it did bring 10k of you here to this amazing community and for that I am so grateful 🥹❤️ Here is what this video is meant to share ⬇️ Here is our Morning Shift system that helps us kick off our day semi organized with 5 kids 8 and under 😜❤️ Y’all have asked how I have the energy I do in some of my videos and it’s cause of my husband! He wakes up with all the kids and makes them breakfast so I can get more sleep while I grow our 6th child 😝❤️🤗 While he has the kids here is what I do.. 1) Get ready for the day 2) Make beds. The older ones make their own beds and I make the little one’s 3) Open all the windows in the house. I do this whether it be rain or shine! Get that fresh air in and stale air out! It’s also an instant mood booster! 4) Start a load of laundry 5) Eat and family time 6) Set up homeschool Notice how there isn’t much cleaning in the morning shift? We like to take our mornings slow 🤗 Breakfast dishes and kitchen mess get cleaned up during the afternoon shift ❤️ Was this helpful? Let me know if you want me to share more of our systems! I would love to hear yours! What do you do to maintain the house with little ones? #morningroutine #homeschool #37weekspregnant #bigfamilylife #pregnancy #sahmlife
Chrissy Horton
Toy organization from a former preschool teacher & mom of 6 kids ages 9 and under! Christmas is coming, so take off some of that stress when it comes to organizing your kid’s gift and get these containers! Clean up is so much easier in our house not that each toy has a home! #toyorganization #playroominspo #momoflittles
Chrissy Horton
Not shown was the 12:00pm crash where I became completely useless due to lack of sleep 🤪 That’s why Tim and I do what we can when the energy strikes us, and that’s usually in the morning 😘 But let me tell you, I was not this active 10 days postpartum with a newborn with my first! Please remember this is my 6th kid in 8 years. Postpartum recovery has gotten easier for me each time. I heal quicker, I know what to expect, my husband and I have systems down now that we didnt have then, and I adjust much quicker. Don’t compare your chapter 2 to someone’s chapter 10 ❤️ What do/did your mornings look like with a newborn? #postpartumrecovery #postpartumbody #pregnant #newbornbaby
Chrissy Horton
It took 9 months for your uterus to stretch and grow with your baby so don’t be surprised if yours doesn’t go back down soon. For many women it takes time to go down, just like it took time for it to grow 🤗❤️ #pregnancy #postpartum #birthstory
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