‘The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.’ – John Bingham To my fellow Dreamers, Batch 2025—we did it! The loops were brutal, and the hills were hell, but so was our determination. 👏🏻 Huge thanks to my incredible sponsors—your support fueled every stride and every ‘why am I doing this?’ moment. 🥲 @pumaphilippines (Deviates for the win 🙌🏻) @shokzph 🎧 @flipbeltph (reflector belt ⚠️ safety) @sipplusph 💦 @nutritiondepotph (Neverseconds ON POINT 👌🏼) 42.195 kms later, I’m officially a marathoner! This journey was one of self-discovery—I am stronger than I think. Big thank you @louie_chuaquico for equipting me with not just strength but also with the confidence I need to finish! 🦾 Now, if you need me, I’ll be at the nearest buffet… carbo-loading never really ends, right? 😅 🎬 @_ergtrrz@ergevisuals 🫡